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Radiodays Europe

We are happy to announce that Verband Freier Radios Österreich is partner of Radiodays Europe which this year will take place from 18 - 20 March in Vienna.

Radiodays Europe was born in 2010 as a response to the needs of the European industry, public and private, to come together to discuss the new media challenges, across borders. It has since grown to become one of the most important annual conference for radio professionals with 1500 participants from 62 countries. It is a meeting point for the European radio industry, both private and public, and a destination for radio people from around the world.
Radiodays Europe (RDE) is about radio´s future, but also about sharing experiences from the best of radio today. Success stories, digital advances, journalism, new research and business models, from across the globe.
As private non-commercial broadcasters we get inspired by the diverse presentations of a broad range of interesting speakers. We dig deeper and add our perspectives to the pool of knowledge that is shared when it comes to innovate and develop radio and audio towards the needs and desires of our audiences.

Radiodays Europe 18-20 March 2018
Austria Center Vienna
Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1
1220 Vienna

You find the link to the registration here.
Für die erforderlichen Informationen um den Discount für Freie Radios in Anspruch zu nehmen: office@freie-radios.at

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